Influencer Tip: What to charge brands

Influencer tip: What to charge brands

So often when doing influencer casting for brand campaigns, I realize that influencers aren’t really sure what to charge for specific scopes of work. They either are over-charging or under-charging…. and don’t get me started on additional rates for things like usage or exclusivity.

Why is that?

The influencer industry has kept quiet for far too long when it comes to dispensing information about rates and usage. Think about it, if you’ve never been represented by a well-reputed talent agency, how else would you know the ins and outs of the actual business?

And don’t get me started on those who call themselves “social media experts” but don’t have single proof of work experience under their belts. They claim to know why your engagement is down on Instagram, and preach on high on how they can be the salvation to your career. Grrrrr… it’s all smoke and mirrors there.

To really understand what to charge brands, you first have to understand key points of the influencer industry. This is why I created the Rate Card Template. Yeah, I’m giving you literalllllyyyy what I give my top tier talent like Chriselle Lim and Brittany Xavier. This is their exact formula on what to charge, when, and why.

So if your inbox is filled with requests for partnerships or collaborations, and you're thinking, "Where do I even begin?" This Rate Card Template shows the exact format when breaking down rates per social media channel. Added bonus: I also share with you the most vital of terms and conditions as well.


It’s a TikTok thing


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