IsN'T IT time for you to be sitting front row at Fashion Week?

We’re going to go big here and grab some attention.

Idalia is leaving nothing to chance as she shares with you everything you need to know to secure your spot at your favorite Fashion Week runway shows. With over 12+ years of talent management experience and with impeccable success rates for her private clients, she’s now opening her doors to YOU.

Say goodbye to the guessing game.

Say hello to results.

Welcome to this invaluable opportunity for you to refine your Fashion Week strategy, stay ahead of industry trends, and unlock advanced techniques to get you where you want to be.

By learning directly from Idalia, you’ll gain unparalleled insider knowledge that will set you apart from your peers. This investment in your skills not only enhances your current situation, whatever it may be, but also positions you for long-term growth in the ever-evolving Fashion Week landscape.

Now doesn’t that sound like something you’ve been waiting for?

Challenges you might be facing:

Problem No. 01

You don’t know where or how to start getting invited to Fashion Week.

Problem No. 02

The influencer market is oversaturated, and your favorite brands aren’t noticing you.

Problem No. 03

When you do ask for an invite, you’re being ghosted.

Problem No. 04

You don’t understand why your contemporaries are being invited, but you’re not.

“Idalia has helped me strategize my content to work with my dream brands. Working together has helped me be more thoughtful in my approach to content. Together we’ve elevated my content and I’m thrilled with the results.”

— Marianna Hewitt

You Need

To understand the key players in Fashion Week.
To start aligning with your dream brands.
To know the “make or break” factors when brands invite influencers.
To craft a compelling pitch to get invited.

To network effectively.


Front Row Ready

Unlocking Fashion Week for Influencers

Leave the guesswork behind and get ready as Idalia guides you from start to finish with everything you need to get to Fashion Week.

With over 12+ years of talent management experience, she’ll share with you her secret sauce that has gotten her private clients like Chriselle Lim sitting front row at the most exclusive shows. Best part, her action plan will get you working straight away to getting to where you want to be.

Course Breakdown:

Module One

“Understanding How it All Works”

Let’s start off with what Fashion Week is really about and how it can positively impact your career as a content creator. From the various events you can attend as an influencer, to understanding the key players that you need to be aware of. The first module comes with three exciting lessons:

  • An introduction to Fashion Week : What is Fashion Week really about and how we can use it to impact your career?

  • Key players and roles : Who are the key players in Fashion Week and how can we ensure you’re in.

  • Fashion Week events : There’s more to Fashion Week than just the glamorous runway shows. Let’s get you in to all the hot spots.

Module Two

“Getting noticed for Fashion Week”

Let’s face it, the influencer landscape is oversaturated and getting noticed by your favorite brands is becoming increasingly more difficult. Rest assured as Idalia puts all doubts to rest in this empowering module that will guide you through brand alignment. She’ll also share her what is the “make or break” factor when brands invite influencers to runway shows.

  • Brand alignment : Let’s face it, you have to know what brands are looking for when they invite influencers to Fashion Week. Let’s get you aligned with this.

  • The “make or break” factors of getting invited : Did you know there are heavy influencing factors that can decide whether or not you get invited? We’re not leaving your success to chance.

  • Alignment exercise : Time to put to work what we just learned. Idalia is all about action-oriented results.

Module Three

“Crafting the perfect pitch for Fashion Week Invitations”

It’s time to say hello to fashion week invites! In this powerful module, Idalia is going to guide you through the process of creating and sending compelling pitches to secure invitations to Fashion Week events. Isn’t it time for you to shine in the limelight? Four illuminating lessons include:

  • What fashion brands look for when inviting influencers

  • Five-step pitching formula

  • Secrets to a compelling pitch

  • The biggest TOOL you can use when pitching yourself successfully

Module Four

“Networking and Building Relationships in the Fashion Industry”

Don’t be fooled, networking is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your toolbox when it comes to Fashion Week. It’s also the one that is most often overlooked. Idalia is going to teach you how to network effectively and build relationships with key industry players to increase your chances of receiving Fashion Week invitations. It’s time you have a leg up from the competition, is it not? Learn:

  • The basics of networking and why it’s imperative for your career growth

  • Ice-breakers you can use in Fashion Week that will have you sounding cool, calm, and in the know

  • How to navigate Fashion Week

Exclusive Bonuses

Your action plan - If you know Idalia you know that she’s all about follow through and seeing results. With this exclusive action plan, she’s ensuring just that. Leave this empowering course knowing exactly what you’re next steps should be to encourage success.

How to create a fashion week schedule GUIDE - This guide preps you perfectly for fashion week and beyond. With insider tips and tricks, this guide will be critical during you fashion week. This is the exact guide she uses with her private clients and now it’s yours.

Fashion Week city GUIDE - In this brilliant guide, Idalia shares her favorite fashion week cities, what they’re known for, and their link. By using the link, you can get the contact information for each city and start inquiring about invites.

Extra session with Kaye Bassey - In this inspiring video session with Kaye Bassey and Idalia, you’ll learn first hand from Kaye’s experience and garner even more insight to the Fashion Week world.

This $348 value is absolutely free!

How does this sound?


Replace rejection and ghosting from brands with them being excited to invite you to Fashion Week


Fill your calendar with your dream brands during Fashion Week


Create a life for yourself that you’ve always imagined


Receive gifting from your favorite brands throughout the year



No. 01

Take the First Step Here

Join Idalia’s comprehensive Fashion Week Course

No. 02

Follow the Action Plan

Idalia is all about seeing results, so get ready to end the course strong with an action plan.

No. 03

Enjoy All the Bonus Features

Jam-packed with additional tips and tricks, the Bonus’ will help you in your path to success.

No. 04

Start Seeing Results

Say hello to invites!

A year from now you
will have wished you started today...

so let's geT started!

select the plan that works for you:

Payment Plan

Three payments of $177

One Payment

One payment of $497

Best value!

“I believe you can do this!”

“But if you’re anything like me, ‘believing’ sometimes isn’t enough. I’m all about accomplishing. This is why this online course works.”

“The fashion industry is filled with so many smoke and mirrors, that frankly it feels deflating. The feeling of maybe you’re not good enough, or that you don’t deserve a shot at your dream. Ever feel that way? I want you to know that I’ve been there too. I’ve seen my personal clients there as well. And sometimes what we need is a spark of inspiration... a guiding hand... an educator to show you the way.”

“you're in the right place.”

By the end of this course, you will:


Become a Fashion Week insider


Learn how to create an effective pitch to get invited to Fashion Week shows


Use networking to seal the bonds between you and your favorite fashion brands


Put doubt aside and start living the life you’ve dreamed of


Create a social media page(s) that will lure brands to invite you to Fashion Week and work with you year round


Leave nothing to chance. Success is at your fingertips!

“As a micro-influencer I wasn’t sure if the goals I had were realistic or even attainable in today’s saturated influencer market, and it’s been incredible to see how far I’ve come in so little time thanks to Idalia’s strategic tips, mindful advice, and business-oriented mindset.”

— Coco Bassey


Study at your own pace


Plan based on your learning style


Follow a proven roadmap


Q: Who is this course for?

A: Whether you’re a Fashion Week rookie, or a vet that’s not getting into your top dream runway shows, this course is for you. Idalia’s proven roadmap has work from beginners to top-tier influencers alike.

Q: How long do I have to enroll?

A: Because this is a limited-edition online course, enrollment ends October 31st at 5pm EST. Don’t miss out, as this course will go back in the vault.

Q: Can I take this course at my own pace?

A: Absolutely! Idalia created this course so that you can learn at your own speed. Plus all the lessons are downloadable so you have lifetime access.

Q: So what does this course actually include?

A: Each of the four stimulating Modules come with various lessons inside of them. Each lesson comes with its respective worksheet. That’s not all. The BONUSES have four additional modules for you to skyrocket. That’s a $348 value that’s yours absolutely FREE! We’re not kidding when we say we believe in you.