Influencer Tip: Be Speedy

Be Speedy.

Quite a headliner, huh?

In a world where we are told to take a breathe, and think things through, here I am starting an article with : BE SPEEDY. A bit contradictory, don’t you think?

This week I posted a REEL on my Instagram that got me so many DM’s from influencers saying “Wow, I had no idea!” as well as brands saying “Thank you for making this point so clear!”

So what is it that caused a stir?

I explained the number one reason a brand would redlist (never work again) an influencer. Here’s the answer: Lack of communication.

Brands and publicists are, more times than not, on a very tight schedule, and they expect influencers to be well aware of this and to act accordingly. When an influencer doesn’t respond to a brand in a timely manner, the brand will simply bypass the influencer and move on to the next one. I don’t think I need to tell you that this world is currently oversaturated with “influencers” so if it’s not you, trust me, it’s going to be someone else… and quick!

So what is “a timely manner”? As I explained in the video, it’s 24 business hours. Yep, you have one business day to write back. Here’s the clincher though, you don’t have to decide anything, nor do you need to give any answers. Simply acknowledging the email and saying you’ll get back to them is just as sufficient.

“Hi XXX, thank you so much for taking interest in my work. Please give me a couple of days to review your email below and I’ll get back to you shortly with answers. Thanks again, XXX”

As easy as that!

If you’re also looking for additional tips and tricks on how to answer emails from brands, my Email Response Template is killer!!! For less than what you spend in Starbucks in a month, you can have access to 10 crucial email responses every influencer should know when responding to brands. This will take you from “How to answer when a brand offers you a significantly lower rate to work with you” to “How to answer when brands send through a contract that has nothing on what you agreed upon.” It’s as easy as copying and pasting. These are what I personally use when handling six figure jobs for top influencers, and now all my info is yours.



Paris Fashion Week, in Three Days


Influencer Tip: Keep Learning