Influencer Tip: Keep Learning

Keep Learning.

I’ll share a little secret of mine. Okay, maybe not so much a secret, but really a way of living that’s always proved beneficial - I never seize to learn. What I mean is that despite my 20+ years in this industry, I still consider myself a pupil of the industry and of life. I’m always hungry to learn more, discover, and even rearrange the way I may have thought about something in the past.

And this is what I always tell influencers as well - keep growing and learning.

One of the fool-proof ways to do this is by taking course by people trust, and reading books by people you love. I listed my favorite business books here if you’re curious.

Now on to courses? When I google anything related to influencers and courses online, I get a plethora of people claiming to know the industry and claiming they can help you on your way to success and fame. Then I check out their LinkedIn and more times than not I see that they have barely experience in the field. Hmmmm, questionable, don’t you think?

That was one of the reasons I started creating my own courses several years ago. So that you had a safe place to go to when you needed real answers about this industry. If you haven’t checked them out, go for it. Ya got nothing to lose! They’ve been applauded by major industry publications like WWD, Vogue Business, and Daily Front Row.

The best part is with our Subscription Service, you can get all the courses, templates, and guides for just $19.99/month. Helllooooooooooo, talk about a deal. I really wanted to create viable and affordable options for you to better understand the business.

Have a glance and DM me your thoughts. Let me know what you think.

What more would you like to see or learn about?


Influencer Tip: Be Speedy


Hello Lake Como!