Discipline. Habits. Consistency.




When I posted this on my Instagram a while back, the response I got was HUGE! This particular quote struck such a chord with my followers, that I thought bringing it to my website would be only right.

No matter what business you’re trying to grow, or what kind of lifestyle you imagine for yourself, the monumental key in achieving your dreams is to develop an unwavering form of discipline. When Lady Gaga won the Academy Award for her role in “A Star is Born,” she also spoke about the necessity for discipline.

If you have a dream, fight for it. There's a discipline for passion. And it's not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or you're beaten up. It's about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going.

_ Lady Gaga

What will then happen from your discipline (working out, eating healthy, reading books, etc etc etc) is that it will form into habit through your consistent efforts. And there, my friends, is where real growth happens.

So next time you find yourself at a fork in the road ask yourself, “Do I have discipline? Am I being consistent?”


Spring black


Winter to spring transition