Influencer Tip: How to turn a brand into a repeat client

Influencer Tip: How to turn a brand into a repeat client

One thing I consistently hear from influencers is the tale of them working with a brand they love only to get radio silence from them after the campaign is done. Influencers scratch their heads and wonder if they did anything wrong. Then they come to me asking what happened.

Well, the good news is I have the answer (at least to 90% of the cases). The key to turning a brand into a repeat client has everything to do with YOU (the influencer) not the actual brand.

Here are three easy steps to secure yourself :

  1. Always follow the job with a “thank you” email or even gift . After a job is done, send the brand a thank you email or gift. Plain and simple. They gave you money and trusted you with a campaign. You say thank you. When I’m on the brand side doing influencer casting, one thing that always sets an influencer apart is their gratitude and their quality of work - in that order. Remember that! Which leads me to point two…

  2. Post about them organically. Within the month of a campaign going live, post about the brand organically. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a dedicated post, but do tag them in whatever it is you decide to post. This proves that you love the brand outside of a paid job and that you genuinely do love whatever it is you are promoting. Once you go live, within the next couple of days, gather the metrics and….

  3. Send the brand screenshot metrics of the organic post. You heard right kids. Send the brand a follow up email with the organic post(s) and the screenshot metric(s). Tell them once again how much you love the brand and that your engagement is still on point. Here’s the clincher: then ask if there are any upcoming projects you can help them with. Ding ding ding! That’s the golden ticket right there. The best part about these three tips is that they are never-ending. Continue to do this however many times necessary. Trust me the brands won’t think you’re annoying. They’re gong to love all the freebies you’re sending their way.


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