Influencer Tip: Gifting clients for the holidays

Influencer Tip: Gifting clients for the holidays

We are officially in holiday mode so I wanted to share my fool-proof tips when it comes to sending your clients (brands) some gifts for the holidays. This is something I do with all my top talent, and it works like a charm.

Before I actually jump into the tips, I do want to preface this by saying that showing gratitude not only during the holidays but throughout the year is a sure way to develop your relationships with those you work with (and those that give you work!). Now, common questions I get during the holidays from talent are “Do I gift everyone the same thing?” … “How much should I spend on a client?”…

Although I do agree that everyone has to do what they feel is correct, there are some industry guidelines that can help you as well. If you want to gift every client the same gift, great! Do it! But if you want to personalize things a bit here are my tips:

  1. Categorize your clients into three tiers . The first tier are the clients/brands that have give you a lot of work and/or a lot of recognition. These are the people you talk to you in a regular basis and might even have gone out to dinner with them. The second tier should be brands that have give you a couple of jobs throughout the year here and there and you hope to further the relationship in the new year. The third tier should be clients that may have given you no jobs or perhaps just one but that you really hope to continue working with them.

  2. Be thoughtful. Gifts should be thoughtful. Look at their social media pages and see if they’re interested in any hobbies. Do they wear a lot of jewelry? Do they love yoga? Did they just move into a new home? Dig in a bit so that you can send a thoughtful gift.

  3. Words matter. Write a meaningful holiday note to go along with the gift. Be grateful and authentic in the words that you choose.


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