Secrets to landing brand deals

Secrets to landing brand deals.

I wanted to share my TOP three top tips if you (influencers) want to stay ahead of the competition and start landing more lucrative brand deals…

Just this year along, my agency, Idalia INC, has secured over $3 million dollars worth of partnership deals between brands and influencers.

Now that’s something you can get behind, right?

The brands we work with trust our expertise and methods when we cast influencers for them, so get ready as I spill the beans on what you NEED to do to lock in lucrative deals.

Oh and don’t forget to subscribe to my FREE broadcast channel so that you’re getting all the latest information in real time.

1. Be proactive in showing screenshot analytics. EVERY brand asks for this so when you’re pitching yourself, show what you’ve got! And if you can provide this info in a professional and insightful media kit, trust me when I say you will SKYROCKET beyond the other talent being considered.

2. Be timely and professional. This industry works quick so if you’re not responding to emails within a 24 business hour window, guess what? Someone just got ahead of you. Brands have no problem cancelling a deal if you can’t hold up to your end of communication bargain. Don’t chance it.

3. Make sure you’re aligned with the brand you want to work with, and lead with that. Look at the brand’s messaging and aesthetics. Are they similar to yours? If not, you’re going to have a very slim chance in actually getting a paid deal from them.

The competition is so cut-throat right now and by simply doing these three tactics above, trust me when I say it’ll set you apart from the herd.




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