Sign On The Dotted Line

Sign on the dotted line

It’s my favorite part about my job.

The moment when I’ve confirmed an influencer + brand partnership and I’m ready to sign the contract. There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with that, not to mention a nice paycheck. But what I’ve heard from influencers without management is that they sometimes don’t send contracts when they book a brand partnership. Ahem, what?!

You have to have a formal contract.

So what does it actually look like and how do you even get your hands on a sample contract that you can use over and over again with your various brand partnerships?

Well, get ready receive a contract template that all the top influencers, brands, and talent agencies use. Plus, the How-To Sheet will properly guide you to ensure you're a success!

This is what I personally use and I’m so excited to be sharing it with you.


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