The Seven Things I STOPPED Doing That Made My Business MILLIONS
The Seven Things I STOPPED Doing That Made My Business MILLIONS
Now almost a decade later, Idalia INC has helped countless entrepreneurs, brands, and companies achieve their dreams. We’ve been named one of the top agencies in the USA, and have been featured in top publications like Vogue Business, Business Insider, and Forbes. Along the way we’ve also become a multi-million dollar company.
So how did I do it?
Here are seven things I STOPPED doing:
1. Avoiding Risk: I’ve always embraced calculated risks instead of playing it safe. I’ve lived in different cities and different countries. KEYWORD here is CALCULATED.
2. Overworking: 2015 Idalia thought overworking was a non-negotiable. 2025 Idalia thinks creating boundaries is a non-negotiable. I give my best to my clients when I’m not burnout.
3. Micromanaging: I implicitly trust my team. I truly believe that delegating responsibilities allows me to focus on strategic GROWTH. I also LOVE the team I’ve built.
4. Fearing Failure: I view failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. Now, a common thing I tell anyone who works with/for me is, “I hope you fail.” It’s the greatest teacher and motivator.
5. Ignoring Feedback: Neglecting feedback from clients, colleagues, and/or industry professionals can lead to missed opportunities for my agency’s improvement. One thing I ask everyone once a season is, “What are you enjoying about Idalia INC, and what would you like to see more of?”
6. Procrastinating: Delaying decisions or actions causes missed opportunities and can stall business momentum. I have no patience for procrastination… with myself or anyone I do business with.
7. Chasing Perfection: “I expect progress not perfection.” That’s another one of my infamous taglines. No I’m not perfect. My company isn’t either. Neither are those that work for my agency. But get what? We’re always progressing. We’re always two steps ahead of the industry.
Would love to hear which of the seven you struggle with the most? What are other things that have helped your personal business grow?
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XX Idalia