When is it time to get a publicist?

When is it Time to Get a Publicist?

This is such a great question that I got from a follower during a Q&A moment, so here we go:

Q: When should an influencer get a publicist?
A: When they have something publicize whether it be be a launch of a product, the start of a new content series, the speaking at a major summit, the start of a new business venture. Basically anything that will entice a journalist to not only look in your direction but actually want to write about it. Unfortunately I’m todays world, a killer social media feed is no longer enough.

Q: How does an influencer actually find and hire a publicist?
A: This is actually quite simple: do your research on what PR agencies are in your area/country that cater to your wants. Then shoot them over an email with your media kit (if you don’t have one, I sell the personal template I use with my influencers on my website LIB) explaining what it is you’re looking for and why. Be short, sweet, and to the point.

Q: How much does it cost?
A: This really depends on various factors like where you are in the world (bigger cities do charge more) and what you want from them. In general however you’re looking at a couple of thousands of dollars/euros/pounds.

Moral of the story: you have one shot to make a great impression so do your research and pull the trigger when you feel like it’s time. Don’t rush this process.

If you’re interested in learning more about the services my agency offers, click here.


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