Why You Shouldn’t Have a Niche

Why You Shouldn’t Have a Niche.

Wait, what?

Shouldn’t every influencer have one?

Well, the answer is yes and no.

Every influencer and brand needs a niche in order to target their ideal audience, execute on quality of service(s), and successfully plan for the future. But what a lot of influencers and brands seem to miss the marker on is that this “niche” can actually be more than one, and it can also change over time. Let me preface by saying that this is a positive thing.

The problem with having one niche and adamantly sticking to it is that sometimes it obliterates the room for growth.

As you grow, age, and evolve, so does your audience. Your job is to be keenly aware of this fact in order for your business to keep up with the Joneses. It’s simply not fair for any talent to be pigeon-holed as just “one thing.” Sure you can be known for something (say your keen fashion sense, or your incredible cooking skills), but stepping outside that box and redefining yourself as your ambitions, life-goals, and perceptions evolve is key.

Let’s take for example a 19yr old dancing TikTok sensation. No one would expect for them to be known in 2043 in the exact same context. They can still dance (and hope they do), but their audience throughout time will want to see “more” - and I’m not talking about “more dancing.” In order for that TikToker to have a long-term career they have to evolve and keep their finger on the pulse on the industry. This also comes with the incredible opportunity of letting their audience grow with them.

From my personal experience, I’ve seen influencers like Brittany Xavier and Chriselle Lim evolve from being solely known as online fashion icons, to now being recognized as entrepreneurs, and mothers. Their content reflects that. They’re not sticking to just one “bucket” as I like to call a niche. This is all part of my strategy with them and the proof is in the pudding. Both are top of their game in both Instagram and TikTok.

So here are three questions you can ask yourself to ensure your business is growing and thriving:

  1. What do you consider your current niche (or niches) to be?

  2. How do you see those niches evolving in 5 years?

  3. What would you want your future niches (“self”) to look like in 5 years?




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