My Short Course

My Short Course

((Drumroll please))

I’m so excited to announce that I’ve partnered with the JCA in London to bring a riveting short course to life this July…. both in their Mayfair campus as well as online. This course has been a long time coming, and it’s going to cater to both brands and influencers.

In today’s world getting “ahead” of the game has become increasingly more difficult. There’s a lot of noise online, and a lot of noise that has no merit. So how do you stand out in that crowd? How do you start generating the businesses you want and need for your career/brand to grow?

This can all be summed down to two things:

  1. How you’re showing up online

  2. How you’re pitching yourself to your dream clients

If the above has you nodding and saying “YAS GURL PREACH!” then this course is for you.

What to expect…

  • Create and perfect your Press Kit to catch the eye of your dream celebrities/influencers (ahem, you’re getting my Template for freeeeee)

  • Understand the importance of social media when it comes to marketing your brand

  • Master the art of communication with publicists, celebrities, and beyond

  • Learn how to effectively pitch yourself- Learn how to conduct high-tier interviews (hello VOGUE!)

  • Understand the social media landscape as a whole to advance your career on a global scale

Hope to see you there….

Hope to make your 2023 career goals come to life.


Avoid DMing


The 7 Commandments for Influencers & Brands