Six SHOCKING truths about Fashion Week

Six SHOCKING truths about Fashion Week no one ever talks about…

1. Influencers can spend up to $20,000 (or more) just in attending. Think about it.... we're talking airfare, hotels, taxis/transport, food, and that's just the beginning. Once you start adding these costs up, even the most finance savvy person, can spend a pretty penny just attending.

2. Because it's so expensive, the majority of influencers never make that money back. Why? Because they don't plan and strategize on how to turn Fashion Week into a proper investment... one that actually makes you money back, even if it's in the long run. But where do influencers get this fool-proof strategy plan?

3. Less than 10% of influencers actually get invited to top Fashion Week shows and events. That means that 90% of those who aim to attend, don't end up getting invited. So where do influencers get strategy to get them into the percentage that gets them invited?

4. Fashion Week's nickname is the "battlefield" because the competition is so stiff. Worst part is....

5. The fashion industry is so guarded that there is no information on how influencers can get ahead... UNTIL NOW.

6. My "FRONT ROW READY" online course has officially launched and I'm holding NOTHING back when sharing the same information I've shared with my private clients over the past 10+ years getting them into top shows worldwide. I'm tired of the industry being so hush-hush. I'm tired of those who really want to succeed not being able to simply because there is no information. I am here to disrupt the fashion industry once again with this new course.

ps: For the FIRST time ever, I’m giving you the option of a low monthly payment plan for those interested in enrolling in FRONT ROW READY.



Front Row Ready