10 Business Lessons
10 Business Lessons
Ever wondered what it takes for a business to achieve success, stay strong, and grow steadily? Keep reading for the most important lessons I have learned since I started my business 8 years ago – sharing is caring after all!
Don’t Just Set Goals, Set Sacrifices – Goals require sacrifice and you have to ask yourself: “what am I willing to pay, what am I willing to give up?” Outline & deadline the sacrifices you need to make for a goal. That's how to go from aspiration to action!
Focus Will Make Your Life Easier – Being productive isn't checking off 99 tasks, it's doing a few things well – instead of trying to cross off all your tasks, focus on the 20% which, when solved, will make the other 80% easier.
Who Not How – Most problems can be solved with a “who”. Rather than trying to figure out how to do something, try finding who can help you do it.
The Upside / Downside Matrix – The Upside / Downside matrix is perfect for getting clarity on a tough decision.
Columns = the yes & no of that decision.
Rows = the upside, downside, and remedies to the downside.
Niche Experts = Big Returns – Every successful business goes through 4 cycles:
You do everything
You hire generalists
Specialists replace generalists
Specialists run everything
Is your business ready to scale up?
Be Happy with the Backseat – It is a given that people will try to copy you when you try to achieve something big. Rather than being annoyed, let them drive for a minute. It shows you’re doing something right & can get you to your destination faster.
Be Easy to Find, Hard to Reach – Prioritize based on goals & anti-goals and if something doesn’t hit one of your goals (or especially if it hits an anti-goal), it’s a no. Like Steve Jobs said: “Innovation is saying ‘no’ to 1000 things.”
Get to Know Your Employees – A highly underrated leadership skill is knowing your team – care about your people and they'll care about you.
The “Someday Maybe” List – Free up your head and focus on the now by starting a “Someday Maybe” list.
Hold Yourself Accountable – Know where you want to be going and regularly check in on your progress – whether this is with business goals or personal targets. If you are not seeing the results you wanted, ask yourself what you need to be doing to get back on track. And don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back when you reach those milestones!
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