When in doubt, write it out.

Business Idalia Salsamendi Business Idalia Salsamendi


Did you know that you make seven figures as a content creator without the stress of brand partnerships?

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10 Business Lessons
Business Idalia Salsamendi Business Idalia Salsamendi

10 Business Lessons

Ever wondered what it takes for a business to achieve success, stay strong, and grow steadily? Keep reading for the most important lessons I have learned since I started my business 8 years ago – sharing is caring after all!

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 More on  Instagram
Business Idalia Salsamendi Business Idalia Salsamendi

More on Instagram

You guys LOVED the last post I did with tips for Instagram’s new algorithm update so much that I decided to do a part two.

Here is more information I received last week during my call with META…

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Three New Things About Instagram
Business Idalia Salsamendi Business Idalia Salsamendi

Three New Things About Instagram

I just got off the phone with one of my contacts at META where we talked all things social media… what’s changing, what to look out for, and what to proactively do for maximum growth and engagement.

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72hr escape
Fashion, Travel Idalia Salsamendi Fashion, Travel Idalia Salsamendi

72hr escape

It was inconceivable to me that I had not stepped foot in New York City in over a year. The city I used to live in. The city I still travel to at least twice a year for work and leisure. I’m sure we can all agree that 2020 was a complete blur. A “where did time go?” kind of year…

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Idalia Salsamendi is contributing writer and journalist for various publications. Click below to see how you can hire Idalia for a contributing piece.

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