Welcome to Idalia Inc.

Welcome to
Idalia Inc.

It's been a minute, hasn't it guys?

In the midst of this pandemic and the not-so-normal year (to say the least), I really was able to sit myself down and focus on where I was taking my company. Sure, I think I will always live by inspire, inform, empower mission statement, but how can those three words continue to guide the evolution of my company.

What immediately came to mind was to create a place for you to come whenever you need help, guidance, motivation, inspiration, information, empowerment. Feeling my drift here?


This "place" had to be inclusive so that it didn't matter who you are, where you're from, or how much money you have, that you had a seat at my table.


That you were able to receive the information you need to help your business thrive.

This new website does just that. Whether it's heading to my Journal Page to read about business, lifestyle, beauty or fashion advice, or jumping over to my Courses Page, this website was made for you.

You'll see in Courses, I've added not only new Courses (by the way now they're ALL video!), but new Templates, and Business Guides. The best part is for only $19.99/month you'll have access to all of these, please everything new that I'm preparing to launch for you this year!

I would also love to see you face to face during Live Online Classes. I'll be bringing in your favorite influencers to come and chat with you about everything business and industry related. How cool is that?

Take a look around, make yourself comfortable, and consider Idalia Inc. your home.


Can I pick your brain?