How Do Influencers Get Paid for Fashion Week

How Do Influencers Get Paid for Fashion Week?

After my last blog post on how influencers get dressed for fashion week (so thrilled you guys LOVED it), I started receiving a lot of DMs asking about the money involved... Do influencers get paid to go? How much money do influencers make during fashion week? What really goes on behind the scenes?

To answer all these questions, I figured another blog post was needed so here we go!

top three ways influencers make money during fashion week are:

1. “Regular Contract” = This is quite straightforward. A brand that is doing a runway show pays an influencer to attend, wear the clothes, and post.

2. “Third Party Contract” = This is when a brand that’s not having a runway show (think skincare, beauty, jewelry, even car services) pay an influencer to use their product/service during fashion week.

3. “Travel Contract” = This is when a brand pays for the influencer’s travel and hotel. Although it’s not a paycheck (as brand will arrange travel), it’s a great way for influencers to save money. 

In any given season, influencers can do all three of these partnerships simultaneously. So not only are they going to these fabulous shows, but they’re making some serious money doing so.

Disclaimer: It takes time for any influencer to reach this level. This is not an overnight
success story, and the work behind it all is very real. It may look all glamorous on the ‘gram, but to reach this level of success and maintain it takes a lot of effort, consistency, work, and... dare I say... rejection.

I’ve been negotiating these
big deals for top influencers for over a decade now and it’s really interesting seeing how the space has evolved. When I first started, most shows didn’t even want influencers, and now they’re the top VIPs anywhere you go. Being part of the shifting perception of influencers has been one of the things I’m most proud of professionally. That’s why I created my course, “How to Get Invited to Fashion Week” so that you too can stop dreaming and start sitting front row

I’ll teach you how to make connections with the right people, perfect your online presence, and present a strong case for why you deserve to be at Fashion Week. I’m also here to personally challenge you to think deeply about your own unique selling points and how you can best convey them to decision-makers - because after all, you deserve the best!


How Do Influencers Get Invited to Fashion Week


How Influencers Get Dressed for Fashion Week